"More Than Enough!"

A national troupe of award-winning actors is visiting our local university this month with a wildly popular musical, Pretty Woman! While some macho-types might deny having ever seen the movie, in truth, many have seen it several times since its debut in 1990! It’s a date-night standard with its Cinderella-themed plot about the unlikely romance between a wealthy businessman and a woman of lesser means.

Springfield First is Debt-Free!

One of the unforgettably funny moments of the movie is when Richard Gere presents Julia Roberts with a diamond broach securely incased in the presentation box. The moment she reaches into the box, Gere snaps it shut. She immediately draws her hand back as if bitten by a mini monster. We, viewers, laugh aloud every time we see this clip, but our laughter is drowned out by Robert’s uproarious laughing response!

Thanks to Monique, we have had similar occasions of playful shenanigans from time to time. You’d think I would learn to anticipate these, but I am a “sucker for her pranks” every time! Recently, I said at church no less, "Do you have a ten-dollar bill? I want to buy some fudge at the Boy Scouts fundraiser." She reached into her wallet, pulled out the bill, and handed it to me. When I tried to retrieve it, she held it so tightly that my fingers drew back nothing but air! I replied, “Are we going to play this game again?!”

Monique is one of the most generous people I know! Her “compassion antenna” is always up to detect a need. She’s always ready to give a homeless person some cash, to pay for a special sweet treat for some children of a young family, or to give an extra tip to encourage a restaurant server or table busser. Like Jesus instructs in Matthew 6, she holds the things of this world in a loose hand while “storing up lasting treasures in heaven.”

How many of us have too great a grip on the things of this world? We may not admit to foolishly hoarding things or to being crassly consumed by materialism, but in our own nuanced way, we do make excuses. Jim Elliot, an American missionary was martyred for his faith on January 6, 1956, by an Ecuadorian tribe of unbelievers. Elliot is remembered for this perspective on life, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

The title to these thoughts today “No more offerings… Enough and more than enough!” references the generosity of God’s people during the time of their early wilderness wanderings and specifically, the construction of the Tabernacle. (Exodus 36: 6-7, The Message). I hope I have your attention now with that quote! Allow me to explain. Since generosity is such an important theme in the Scriptures, what church leader would ever exclaim, “No more offerings?” The answer, Moses! And he is speaking on behalf of God Himself! But don’t miss the point! God commanded generosity and God’s people answered by giving more than enough to the Tabernacle’s construction!

We had a special moment at the conclusion of this week’s services. For about a year now, we have been counting down the Sundays and looking forward to a March 30, 2025 Debt-Free Celebration. But we got an early and surprising announcement last Sunday that the debt had already been paid down! With canisters of exploding confetti, church leaders declared that we were officially “debt-free!” at Springfield First United Methodist Church! As expected, spontaneous applause and shouts of joy erupted throughout the worship center!

Bob Dodd, our Executive Director, stepped forward to add this announcement, “We now have a balanced budget!” Bob said this blessing of generosity was the result of an appeal back in the fall to “give a little extra” (even $25!). He encouraged those who didn’t participate in the extra expressions of generosity to consider joining in this opportunity now. Bob reasoned that our additional giving will continue to “grow our church ministries,” and provide funds to “take care of our building needs” going forward!

As a seasoned churchman, I can say, “Don’t expect your church leaders to ask you to take your foot off the “generosity peddle!” The Scriptures declare that this value statement should characterize all kingdom-minded people! Until Jesus comes again, we have work to do and offerings to give to get the job done! And here’s a hopeful promise, God will provide so that there will be “more than enough!”

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com
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  1. Monique adds spice to your life! What a great lady and friend! Love, Texas Wanda


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