Get Involved!
The men’s ministry at Springfield First recently hosted a Saturday morning breakfast with guest speaker and retired Sacred Heart-Griffin Coach, Ken Leonard. Coach Leonard has distinguished himself in the forty-two seasons of his overall career. He has led his teams to 419 wins compared to 81 losses. This makes Coach Leonard the winningest coach in the history of Illinois sports! During his inspirational remarks, Leonard shared a three-step coaching philosophy that he follows, “ Tell your team players what you want. Then, show them what you want. Finally, involve them in practices or exercises that demonstrate what you want.” Involved and All Set! Image: I grew up with a contrasting model at school that overly emphasized that first step of “tell.” This approach is what I prefer to describe as “Sit still while I instill!” We were expected to stay in our seats! There was no group work or active participation. We didn’t know enough and couldn’t be trusted enough to get u