
Showing posts from July, 2021

"Do You Want Red or Green?"

“Do you want green or red with that?” I can remember the first time I was asked that question! I was eating in a New Mexican restaurant in Santa Fe, NM. It was my lunch break while attending a training conference at Glorieta. I was stumped at first and simply asked, “Could I get those on the side?!” I did not have the foggiest idea what that question really meant. But, these many years later, I can now say emphatically, “I know how tasty green chiles are!” Truth be told, I have fallen into “culinary love” with the chile pepper!! This may sound sick, but I dream about green chiles! I even grow them in my backyard box! Now, I have family that prefer processed red chiles, but I do not share their passion for the red! Green is my choice! I’ve ordered jars of them from Weck’s, my favorite breakfast and lunch restaurant, and had them mailed to me by the case! I like green chiles in my scrambled eggs, layered in a beef and cheese-filled tortilla casserole dish, and combined along with relish

The Instant Noodles Craze!

Did you take note during the Pandemic of 2020 that the shelves in the big box grocery stores displaying rice and noodles were often laid bare? I was told that these staples were important to families who had to prepare quick meals for their children who were home and doing remote learning during that time. In these days since, I have observed that the demand for these items has been so strong that the grocers are making additional space for stocking and expanding the sales of these types of ready-to-go meals. Image Credit: Several news outlets covered an accident recently that occurred near Little Rock, Arkansas and could have threatened the re-stocking efforts of instant noodles! This must have sent "shock waves" throughout the country among those passionate about their Ramen noodles!  It was reported that an 18-wheeler, semi-truck carrying 20,000 pounds of this brand product left the roadway and slipped on its side into a lake about 30 miles north of the city

Living on the Edge!

In these days, we are back to flying after being “grounded” for nearly 18 months by the Covid-19 Pandemic! It’s a good feeling to be able to re-connect with our family in New Mexico and Texas this summer. Speaking of being grounded… we even took our first leg of the flight west from St. Louis to Dallas on a brand new Boeing 737 Super Max 800 series. This is the airplane that had been grounded for nearly two years after two fatal crashes that were caused by a faulty flight control system. I did not know what specific plane we were on until we were pushing back from the gate and I looked forward at the flight information brochure in the seatback pocket! Although, thankfully, this turned out to be a non-event for us, I will leave the specifics of this story for another time!  Image Credit: Most commercial airplanes fly to an altitude of about 35,000 feet. In recent days, the term “Edge of Space” has become descriptive of the feat accomplished by Richard Branson, the bi

What's On Your Mind?

Have you noticed how psychology is used in assessing sports today? I hear golf caddies going back and forth with PGA golfers as they review their play pad of notes about distances and club choices. Sometimes these conversations are enhanced by a microphone nearby that allows me to hear the substance of these collaborations. Recently, I heard Tom Lewis' caddie give this final word of advice before the next stroke, "Just trust your numbers!" I could hear in that phrase an attempt to encourage and bolster confidence in one's competence and experience. Image Credit: After another hard fought game in a losing season that ended in an extra inning win this time for my languishing St. Louis Cardinals baseball team, I listened as manager, Mike Shildt, summarized the game using a bit of psychology during his post-game interview. He responded to a reporter's question by saying, "Very gritty win... scratching and clawing! Grit's an amazing attribute