
Showing posts from June, 2023

"It's a Privilege!"

I have been serving as a law enforcement chaplain for twelve years as well as a workplace chaplain for over eighteen years. This has afforded me many opportunities for conversations and counsel that would not have been possible in any other way. Trust is a delicate thing between employees and chaplains that develops over time. It must be earned and there are no shortcuts in the process of deepening the confidence one person has in another. The more you relate and do life together, the more others see that you can be counted on to guard the secrets, concerns, and issues that many deal with on a day-to-day basis. The Strength of Teamwork! Image credit: One of the phrases I often hear among my fellow chaplains at our team training meetings is that “It’s such a privilege to be invited into workplace settings to serve as a chaplain resource to employees!” Where else, except the church, are religiously trained leaders invited to pray, affirm, and encourage workers while they are

"Proud as a Peacock!"

Recently, I read about a Peacock problem in Omaha, Nebraska. This caught my attention because we have a couple of close friends who live up there. The news was surprising to me since we made two trips there last year and didn’t see a single Peacock! It seems that this problem has been growing over the last few years and no one knows what to do about it. Aside from being annoyed by the birds’ presence and excrement on personal property, they can also show aggressive behavior that includes incessant screeching throughout the day! Image Credit: Melanie Hughes, Several calls have been made by residents to the Nebraska Humane Society, but they claim to not have the personnel or resources to address what many consider to be an unchecked bird population. The local Humane Society suggests that unless they harm someone or damage property, “Just let them be!” Many years ago, I had my own issues with Peacocks. At that time, I was considering where to attend seminary. I was certain

NextGen Pacesetters

I’m excited about the future of our three eldest grandchildren who are moving into their adult years! Ben and Brady just graduated from their high schools and are headed off to college this August. Brady is attending his mother’s alma mater at the University of Missouri, Columbia, and Ben is attending Texas State University in San Marcos. Ben has chosen Biology as his major (and maybe will double it to include art!) and Brady will be majoring in Business. They are expecting to continue to work for Walmart and Lowes for the next four years as well. They are gifted, ambitious, and have some big dreams! Granddaughter Tech Support Chloe will be a junior this year. She is an A student in her home school program. Good humored and artistic in her temperament, she enjoys creating art pieces and entertaining videos for family and friends. She sings on the Delta church praise team alongside her mother. Who knows how God will use her talents in these next years? Everything is speeding by so quick

"A Window of Opportunity"

At eighty years of age, Tom Peters is regarded as one of the most influential leaders, motivational consultants, and prolific authors of our day. He has nineteen book titles to his credit. In 1982, Peters and Robert Waterman, Jr., co-wrote the best-selling book,   In Search of Excellence . Forty years later, millions of copies have been sold and it continues to be one of the leading resources for CEO’s, company managers and organizational leaders! I   listened to an online podcast interview this week with Tom Peters and was immediately captivated by his enthusiastic, salty (Navy vet!), and sometimes profane, but straightforward style of speaking. Credit: Adam Nemeroff, Peters espouses a social management approach to leadership. He made it clear in the interview that management is not just about strategy, structure, and organization! Rather, excellent leadership focuses on the principle that “people are the only thing that matters!” And this translates into “People serving