Trust is Essential!

I recently had another scheduled procedure where they have to put you out and into a twilight sleep condition. I have been in similar states throughout the years for an appendectomy and joint replacement surgery as well as during treatments for cancer. There is always a risk in putting you in such a condition, but I have learned that I must trust my doctor, anesthesiologist, and others who assist them if I am to receive the necessary health procedures.

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I learned years ago as an eleven-year-old boy how to trust God for salvation and to deal with my sin condition. Trust is one of the most essential exercises of a believer. In the Bible, faith is spoken of repeatedly as the key in our relationship with the Lord, "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him, must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6 NIV).

We are living in a day of skepticism, doubt and fear. We are suspicious of those in authority. There seems to be a huge erosion of trust throughout society. Public education, science, medicine, government and law enforcement have taken the brunt of much of this misunderstanding and doubt. In short, we are not trusting anyone today! We are readily searching the Internet for news, health issues, concerns about schools, differences with elected officials, and decisions related to law and order.

It would seem that individuals are increasingly empowered by challenging authority, living by their wits, and having a social media account that validates every aspect of self-expression. I have heard some of this characterized as "practicing without a license!" We are trusting a lot in ourselves. This can be ill-advised, if not dangerous on many levels, especially with regards to our spiritual lives. We may need to relearn simple trust in God and in those whom He chooses to use for His purposes.

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I have a close friend, David, who loves to remind me that my dad taught his one-year-old daughter to walk. It is true that Dad had perfected his technique. He would back the child up to the edge of the couch, instruct the child’s mother or father or both to repeatedly encourage with open arms, and then wait for the child to move away and walk! It was so simple, but it was a lesson in trust. It was always a joy to everyone when dad worked his magic! That’s why my friend has often said to me, "Next time you see your dad, remind him for me that he is the one who taught Heather to walk!"

Without sounding naïve or foolhardy, this is what it means for me to live by faith in God who governs my life with goodness and purpose. I understand that His purposes extend to those around me. I trust my doctor to make good decisions, I trust my community to educate my children, I trust the government to govern, and so on. I know that I will, as opportunities arise, participate, elect, discuss and sometimes challenge these processes, but ultimately, I will trust God and trust others who serve His purposes. It is the better way!

Psalm 13 is titled, "A Psalm of David." In the space of six short verses, David asks a series of questions that paint a picture of doubt and distress over unspecified, yet threatening circumstances. This psalm pivots when David prayerfully requests that God look on him, answer his concerns and give light to the darkness of his misunderstanding. He confesses his coping strategy, "But I will trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation, I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me." (13:5-6).

Such an honest and specific petition is a good strategy for daily living and coping with uncertainties. The formula of trusting, rejoicing and singing may seem too simple. Some may challenge, "That’s not enough!" But why isn’t it? God is still enthroned as Sovereign over all. He is good and gracious! Nothing about His character has been compromised by adverse circumstances. Our perspective is all that remains to be changed and trust is the essential ingredient!

When you become fearful or anxious, trust God as you walk forward in faith!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.




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