High School Football Takeaway

Williamsville Community Unit 15 High School is still whooping it up after winning its first state football championship! It was a come-from-behind game in the last thirty seconds! The Bullets had the early lead in the first half only to lose it in the second. They regained the winning advantage over their worthy opponent, the Byron Tigers, at game's end with a final score of 46 to 42. One commentator expressed what others felt who were at Huskie Stadium, listening on the radio or watching the game on television by saying, "A game like that just gives you chills!" This exciting event was held Friday evening, November 29 on the campus of Northern Illinois University in Dekalb.
Williamsville Bullets
3A State Champions 2019

The Williamsville Bullets are led by head coach Aaron Kunz who is in his 16th season at the helm. Just before the game, Kunz was heard telling his players, "This is why you have made all the sacrifices to be excellent. Now, let's get it done today. Right here! Right now!" And they did! Conor McCormick, quarterback and in his junior year, passed for 335 yards for a .739 completed percentage. He also took the ball across the goal line for one touchdown. His star receiver, Brendon Bishop, a senior, had 9 catches for 230 yards receiving and scored 3 touchdowns. Bishop caught a final spectacular end zone pass with thirty seconds to go in the game for the victory!

It was McCormick though who gave me something to think about when he was asked how he felt about the victory during the post-game wrap up and replied, "We were just doing what we were coached to do!" I like that assessment. Coaches direct the game, but players have to execute. Plays are planned and practiced, but the student athletes have to be committed to excellence, make the sacrifices, and then, carry out those plans during the game. How is this like the Christian life?

Jesus called His disciples. He laid down the commitment required. He spoke often about the sacrifices to be made. He then commissioned them to service and empowered them to complete their task. Here are some of the selected Scriptures that outline God's "playbook" for action in carrying out this mission:

1. "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!" (Matthew 4:19 NIV)
2. "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
     (Mt. 16:24)
3. "I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than His master." (John 13:16a; 15:20)
4. "If they have pursued (persecuted, resisted) me, they shall pursue you also."(Jn. 15:20b Wycliffe)
5. "In this world you will have trouble, But take heart! I have overcome the world!" (Jn. 16:33b)
6. "Go and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.       And surely I am with you always, to the very  the end of the age!" (Mt. 28:19-20)

The demands of discipleship are great indeed. Yes, there are obvious sacrifices and a considerable cost in following Christ. However, the counsel, resourcing, equipping, and the coaching that are available perfectly match the challenges. Jesus is ever present and on the sidelines of our lives through the Holy Spirit. And the outcome of the journey is ultimately predictable each drive toward the goal. Victory! We serve the Lord who overcame all obstacles including sin, death and the grave! Therefore, we are encouraged and comforted, to be of good cheer and to take heart.

The question "disciple players" must ask is this... "Are we doing what we have been coached to do?" If so, I hear the Lord saying, "Let's get it done! Right here! Right now!"

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.
Contact: drmjkeppler@gmail.com


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