Christmas in Pink!

I have a question for you, "Is pink a Christmas color?" Monique recently completed writing her annual Christmas newsletter for family and friends both far and near. We have been sending this holiday update for years. It is a practice that was started by my father-in-law when Monique was a little girl. Back then, Bro. Bob Eppinette (her dad was a Baptist pastor!) humorously and I think, accurately, titled his newsletter: "From the Mad House!"
Christmas in Pink!

Anyway, now that the Keppler newsletter has been written, the next tasks are to print, put them into an envelope with a picture and affix the postage for mailing. However, it is the matter of printing that concerned Mrs. Santa this year. What color would be chosen from the paper supply for the printing? I suggested that we did not have sufficient copies of the red or green paper in our storage, so, "What about pink?" She tersely replied, "That's not a Christmas color!" I begged to differ without convincing her!

It was great fun for me to receive this photograph from the Mrs. a few days later after she had just returned from the local medical clinic. Her text message comment said it all, "Apparently pink is a Christmas color!" She later explained how this special color became reality for her in a 6-foot Christmas tree that adorned the clinic waiting area. As you can see in the choice of flowers, dyed plant ferns, ornaments and ribbons that pink is rather prominent especially with the long and flowing pink ribbon that is hung from top to bottom down the side!

Now, for some of you this plays with your "seasonal sensibilities!" Perhaps many of you prefer the more traditional colors of red, green, gold, blue and white (if that is a color?!). I sit at my desk in the family room at home and see all of these colors scattered on the tiny lights that are stringed and aglow on our nearby Christmas tree. And yes, there are more than a few pink lights emanating from the more traditional colors as well!

What is it about pink that makes it a special color? This Advent Season we are celebrating the coming of the Christ-child. We usually associate pink with babies in our culture. Sure, the little girls get more pink blankets, sheets, and other bedding items. But, little boys get things in pink too! I can remember Peppa Pig stuffed items being popular with a couple of our little guys back in the day! I won't belabor the point further except to say that if you do a topic search like "pink at Christmas" you will find everything from pink clothing items (even Santa hats!) to pink-flocked Christmas trees with decorations and stars in pink!

This Advent Season we are celebrating the coming of the Christ-child. Admittedly, baby Jesus was in His humanity of Middle-Eastern origin and likely had beautiful olive-colored skin. He was the pride of His parents Mary and Joseph who lovingly held and cherished Him in that manger long-ago. All babies are beautiful, but He was especially brilliant with beauty in the innocence of that night when God became man and began His journey with us!

John's witness to the Incarnation speaks of that occasion, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14b ESV).  Enjoy this season in all of its glory, wonder and colors!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.


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