Blog /blag/ Pronounced: Opinion! 😏

Thank you, friends and family members for regularly checking in on this blog site. Since you already know how to access the site, please indulge me for a few minutes of explanation. Blogging has been around for a while now, but I want to revisit a little history. You may want to visit wikipedia for a fuller discussion, but this is my shorter version about this communication tool.

Google bought Blogger in 2003 from Pyra Labs that had been founded in 1999 by a couple of young techno-nerds based out of San Francisco. Since then, Blogger has given millions of individuals an easy way to share their ideas. This is a free publishing service and I choose not to clutter it with any advertisements. While I welcome any readers and their comments, I assume that most who follow this blog are connected to me relationally and professionally. So, I regard this site as a conversation with friends.
These are logs and not blogs! 😃

The term, blog, may seem a little strange. It comes from shortening the term weblog. A blog resembles a diary and is a discussion of personal opinions. The term can be used as a noun or verb. So, we visit this blog (n) site and when I write, I am blogging (v). Serve by Design is a personal blog. I do all the writing, although I depend upon the editorial department (i.e. Monique!) for a lot of corrections and restatements. This gives her further license to tell me what to do! (I hear some of you laughing!)

Now, some more serious comments... Remember, I have only been at this since the first of August 2018 and to-date, I have only blogged and published 16 articles. (Updated stats: 142 articles as of May 12, 2021. Averaging 3000 pageviews per month.) I will continue to write as long as there are readers!

I am still defining how I want to use this resource. I think it is becoming evident at this early stage in the journey that the blogs already written seem to be falling into two categories. Some are about leadership development and others might be regarded as discussions of "life matters." If you prefer one over the other, then the question is how do you "cut to the chase" and readily access those articles of particular interest? The answer is to go to the index of "Labels."

You may have noticed that there are three lines or bars stacked together in the upper left hand corner of the Serve by Design homepage. This is affectionately known as a "hamburger icon." It opens a menu that is conveniently collapsed to save space for additional pages. When you touch on those lines it will open a sidebar page. Immediately, you will say to yourself, "That guy seems extra happy!" :) That is, of course, a picture of moi!! Look down at the button called "Labels." Open this by touching the arrow and it will show you various labels indicating some of the topics covered in the blog. In this way, Blogger has done some of the work for you!

If you only want to read topics about leadership development, then choose the specific labels of interest. If you are interested in okra (gardening) or "Uncle Billy Moments" (mistakes), choose those. I hope you are regularly using these labels to guide your reading. Even if the subject is a "life moment," I am usually teasing out an encouraging application for mentors, leaders and everyone else at the end. As the selection of blog articles continue to grow in number, using the "Labels" button will be even more of a time-saver.

There is another button on the homepage that is alongside the home button. This is titled "About." When you touch or open "About" you are taken to a single page of services that are available through Serve by Design ( Regarding "Consultations and Mentoring," I am available to share ideas by phone call, text, email or in person. There is no charge for phone or email conversations. I welcome these! I practice peer-mentoring and always learn as I share with others! Please contact me and start this conversation by email (

If you desire training events like Design 1.2.3. or how to set up an feedback process in your churchI am willing to explain these to you and work out a very affordable way for you and your church to leverage these services. I am not doing this for financial gain, but to see the advancement of God's kingdom through our churches. My passion is Resourcing Next Generation Leaders.

One thing more... pray for this humble ministry of encouragement! Ask God to guide me in this writing ministry and other opportunities to serve our Lord. I value your friendship and partnership. I am blessed every time I hear that you have visited this blog! God bless each of you!!

Mike Keppler, retired pastor,
active churchman and
doting grandparent.


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